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Hearts of Gold

Hearts of Gold

Regular price $26.00 CAD
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 Crafted for those who adore epic romances, the 'Hearts of Gold' bookmark is a valentine that transcends time, much like the legendary loves from the pages of our favorite tales. With hues of golds, blues, and reds, each heart etched onto the sturdy titanium surface is a nod to the timeless love stories of Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy, Romeo and Juliet, or even the magical bonds shared by Hermione and Ron. It's a piece that whispers of love's enduring magic to anyone who holds it, perfect for the reader who gets lost in the grand narratives of affection and devotion.

This bookmark is a miniature ode to love, designed to stir the soul like the tender chapters of a well-worn novel. Let it be the companion to your literary journey, on Valentine's Day and every day in between.


Say goodbye to flimsy bookmarks that give up on you before chapter three. Our titanium bookmarks are the superheroes of page-keepers — they won't bend, break, or 'dog-ear' under pressure. With dimensions of 1.25 by 5 inches, they're the perfect upgrade for those who've suffered the heartbreak of a torn paper bookmark or the splinter of a wooden one. Ditch the disposable and embrace the exceptional, because your literary journey deserves a bookmark that's as enduring as your love for books.

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